Undercover Whore Ch. 14 - End

The intimacy between the two women reaches new heights as they fill out their day.

Amber visits her own apartment before returning to their headquarters at Madison's.

When night comes, the voyeur's game draws close.

The pair come out into the park close to midnight.

Madison feels excited, her pussy tingling.

As she undresses, Amber follows suit.

"What are you doing?"

Madison looks at Amber not understanding.

The blonde smiles timidly, "I want to join you."

"But," Madison is lost for words.

Their nakedness exposed, they look about anxiously.

Despite the wrongness of the whole situation, the ice in their guts, somehow, feels good.

They hide their clothes and get on the main trail of the park.

Where ever the camera man is, it's impossible to find him.

The shame makes their hearts race as they break out into a jog.

Both women being police officers, their athleticism shows.

They round their first bend and see someone sitting on a bench.

They look to each other for support and run past the startled woman.

The danger makes their hearts beat into their throats.

Their small and average sized breasts tremble with every step and Madison begins to feel a wetness escape her pussy.

Mostly men are out this late at night. A number of the homeless.

But, through it all, the cops streak.

They follow a different path to their clothes.

The sound of a siren blares nearby and they both fear what it would mean for them to be arrested.

Still, their clothes on, they find their way out of the wooden area. The mystery of the naked duo spreading among the local officers.

As they ride home, they smile conspiratorially. A secret only known to 3 people.

The two women fall upon each other when they are safely behind closed doors.

Together, the finger fuck each other. Madison's softer to Amber's more aggressive efforts.

They both find pleasure in the methods of their partner.

When they sleep, they share their heat in a gentle embrace.

Over the days that follow, the pair of undercover officers both swallow and get filled by numerous men's cum.

Whenever the John wants to fuck Amber, they work it out for Madison to watch.

The John's usually enjoy the audience. And, Amber feels comfortable being taken if her partner is there for her.

The older man and the voyeur have been silent and Madison feels that this life isn't so bad.

Amber has more trouble with the lifestyle. But, she can endure with her red haired companion.

It seems like the days and nights will always be like they are at this moment.

But, fate is never so kind.

"Officer Lane, Officer Lee, in my office now!"

A cold dread has been hanging over the pair ever since they were called to report at the station.

It's obvious that the chief is angry when he looks from his computer to the pair.

He turns the screen for them to see. He also turns on the volume.

The sound of the pair in their body paint police uniforms moaning as they get railed by 2 random men.

"This... site of yours, Lane, is trending after your most recent videos."

Madison trembles like a leaf in the wind. Her body straining to stay at attention.

The chief also throws a number of photos of the pair running naked in the park.

"Someone solved the mystery of the midnight slut run."

She thought the voyeur would make her do more wild things. She didn't expect the person to send them to her boss.

"What were you thinking? What could you have possibly been thinking?"

Amber trembles before saying, "We... We did it for the mission."

The chief laughs an ugly laugh.

"The two of you are disgraces to the uniform. Turn over your effects and get out of my sight."

A tear slides down Amber's cheek.

All she ever wanted was to be a cop... But, now, it's all lost. How is she supposed to tell her family about all this.

Madison can face the firing more stoically. In a way, she was prepared from the first cock she sucked for this moment.

For the last time they wear the blues.

As they walk out, they see the eyes of all the men and women of the station. The emotions expressed in their glances varying from horny to revolted.

The ride home has Amber continue crying while Madison comes to terms with her new unemployment.

She'll always be the cop that turned tricks for strangers. There's no changing that.

Amber just got caught up in the wake of her transformation.

Their clothes changed, they sit on the couch.

Ever since the firing, Amber has been crying.

Trying to be nurturing, Madison holds her.

She can't help but think that Amber must hate her for bringing this all upon her.

But, the blonde beauty only accepts her warmth.

The days that follow are gloomy.

As if with an infinite fountain of tears, Amber spends most of her time crying.

Madison pushes her to eat and sleep. But, there is nothing she can do but ride it out.

At the week mark Amber stops crying and stares vacantly at her cell phone, the task of confessing her impropriety tormenting her.

Madison takes the phone and puts it away.

More days pass until at last Amber manages a smile.

"You're beautiful, you know," Madison says.

Amber has a slight smile on her face, "But... I'm so dirty."

Madison leans in, "You are not. You're perfect the way you are."

They carry on smiling softly.

That is, until a knock sounds at the door.

Predictably, it's Candy.

"Hey girls, the night's young. Get some clothes and heels and come with me."

Madison looks back on Amber.

"We're..." she hesitates. "We're not cops any more."

Candy looks surprised, but recovers quickly.

"Then all the more reason for you to come out tonight. You need work, and you know how to."

Madison agonizes as she say, "I don't think...

But, before she can finish her sentence she hears Amber say, "Okay."

She looks to her angel and then to Candy.

"Alright then, get ready for some fun."

Madison knows what fun means. But, follows Amber to select some clothes. Candy waits patiently for them in the living room.

"Where's that red get up you wore?" Amber asks.

Madison is surprised. But, pulls it out. It's a bit small for the blonde. But, she makes it work.

All the while, Amber has a very serious look on her face.

Eventually, they finish and Candy drives them off to her corner.

Amber tries to keep serious. But, a nervous smile claims her face when cars drive by.

Madison comes up to her partner and kisses the blonde rookie.

At first, Amber is unresponsive. But, soon she hungrily kisses back.

Hands roam and they don't notice the car until a man in the passenger's seat calls out, "You ladies are making me jealous."

Candy walks up to the car, "What are you boys looking for."

The two men nod to Madison and Amber.

"Now you're making me jealous," Candy teases.

The pair of former cops look to each other.

Amber's lips tremble, "I can do anything if it's with you."

Madison smiles.

She accepts a truth that's been with her since the first cock she kissed. She's a whore.












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